
Authorized reseller and Drop Shipped. Yachting customization,
technology installation and troubleshooting


EPIRBs and PLBs.

ACR Safety When it comes to onboard life-saving equipment, no corners should be cut. Whether you're headed offshore for a near coastal day trip or crossing seas from continent to continent ACR Safety has you covered. ACR Safety offers a wide range of products for vessels traveling inland, nearshore, offshore, and commercial applications. Yacht Gurus is not only an authorized distributor of ACR's products, but our team will install and educate on how to properly utilize the safety equipment. When properly equipping a vessel with safety devices, consider all of the equipment available and how combining each significantly increases your...

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Lead Acid versus Lithium Ion

Lead Acid versus Lithium Ion

When the time has come to replace the onboard battery bank, it is essential to consider the benefits of upgrading from the standard lead-acid battery to the updated technology in lithium-ion batteries. The process of converting from lead-acid and the benefits provided will be defined below. The decision process will shift from an if I am going to make the upgrade to a when.   The internal components between lithium-ion batteries and lead-acid are significantly different. Just as the names imply, Lithium batteries are composed of the metal lithium, while lead-acid is composed of the metal lead. Each differs in...

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What does a navigation system include?

What does a navigation system include?

Modern-day navigation would not be possible had the brilliant minds of scientists and engineers not developed the satellite.

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Anchoring with Ultra Anchor

Anchoring with Ultra Anchor

The word "Anchor" is very significant, both in the marine industry and beyond. Many of us in our daily lives use the term anchor because an anchor represents strength and stability. On the water, our vessel is held firmly in place by the anchor.  Let's begin by looking at how an anchor works. An anchor penetrates the seafloor; in doing so, the suction creates resistance from the material in which it embeds on the seabed. As the boat moves naturally with the force of wind or while applying power, the anchor digs deeper into the subsurface, thus creating more holding...

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Cameras and CCTV

Cameras and CCTV

A vessel camera system is an excellent addition to the series of electronics already onboard. CCTV proves highly valuable because of the benefits it provides 24/7 at sea or dockside.

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