Lat 26° Nano Ceramic® Coating is specifically formulated for marine paints and gelcoats resulting in a deep gloss that lasts! Two coats will provide a years worth of protection. Incredible repellency against exhaust, dirt, saltwater and great protection against yellowing and oxidation.
1 oz = 300 sq ft of coverage
No Certification Process is Needed with Lat 26° Nano Ceramic Coatings! Although we do STRONGLY recommend watching our Instructional video below & visiting our Ceramic FAQ page --> Lat 26°'s Nano Ceramic FAQ
Prior to using Lat 26° Nano Ceramic, make sure the surface is ready to go with Lat 26° Surface Prep
For use on paints and gelcoats. Apply with a Microfiber Lat 26˚ Applicator. Wipe a thin coat on in one direction then allow the product to “flash” after about a minute in 80 degrees. Flash times are estimated and product will flash faster the warmer the surface, likewise it will take longer the colder it is. Wipe thoroughly with a new or clean microfiber rag to remove excess product and to activate shine continue wiping, “polishing” surface with same microfiber changing sides regularly until all residue “smear” is removed. Generally wiping surface can take 3-4 times longer than traditional wiping of sealants. Allow 12 hours between coats and up to 72 hours for full cure before washing surface or allowing salt water or engine exhaust to get onto coating. It is recommended to put on 2 coats of Nano Ceramic in order to make sure that area is thoroughly covered. 3 coats is good for especially “bad” areas such as heavy exhaust areas. When applying to porous areas a heavier coat will be needed
NOTE: Nano Ceramic can only be sold in the continental United States via Ground Shipping. If you have any questions, please give us a call at 754-206-2356